Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quick Update

Hello all!  Andy and the kids are on their way up, but wanted to let everyone know that today was a great day compared to the last two days!  My contractions stopped overnight, so this morning, I got to go off my iv fluids and get my catheter out.  I showered, and feel much better.  My doctor's associate, Dr Robinette, was in this morning, and agreed that a few steps to the bathroom and back should not start contractions, and if they did, then there was something we needed to be concerned about.  For clarification, my cervix is still closed, so I am not at risk for preterm labor because of that.  It's the hematoma (and our suspected hidden partial abruption) that seem to cause my uterus to start contracting when there is too much blood in there.  So, they tell me that we WILL stop continue to stop contractions with the magnesium as long as baby is good, and I am not "gushing" blood.  Nice, huh?!?  I know this is alot of detail, so if it's too much, then you should just keep up to date on Facebook.  Ha ha! 

Andy's parents left this afternoon, and we are thankful they were able to stay for an extra couple days as we waited to see what happened.  Andy is now in full single parent mode, so please keep him and the kids in your prayers.  I don't think that I shared Eli's big news-he lost his first tooth this weekend!  It was on Saturday.  The men were outside working on our fence, and Eli came into Gigi with his tooth in his hand, saying he was wiggling it and it just came out.  :)  He called me right away to share his news, and the tooth fairy did pay him a visit that night. 

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