Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bedrest News

Well, I am typing from a new location-the hospital bed.  I came in the middle of the night on Thursday, after passing some large blood clots and having severe cramping.  An ultrasound showed baby boy had low amniotic fluid, and he measured 1 pound, 15 ounces.  I was having pretty consistent contractions (3-5 minutes apart), so they gave me 4 shots of a medicine to try to stop them. They also began magnesium sulfate, which does many things, including stopping contractions, slows bleeding, and provides a protective layer on the baby's brain to help stop brain bleeds if he came early.  In case my water broke, they started me on several antibiotics that help protect baby also.

Throughout the day Friday, my contractions finally began to space out more and my bleeding/cramping slowed.  Dr Mirabile, my high risk doctor,  visited me Friday evening and talked over our plan of action.  He said that there, most likely, has been some placental abruptuon for awhile, with a more accute tear on Thursday night.  He explained that even if that is the case, baby is better off in utero until he shows us signs of distress, as monitored by his heart rate and movement.  He said that the placenta is an amazing organ that can regenerate itself with time, and that his fluid will increase as he continues to urinate (sounds gross, but half of this stuff does).  He said that even if I have contractions, bleeding and cramping, they will not take him out unless he shows that he is struggling.  I am definitely in the hospital on strict bedrest until we meet our next goal of 28 weeks.  We are blessed to have this happen now, when my Mom was here so we could rush to the hospital, and other family is coming in today (Papa arrived around midnight and the Allen's will be here any minute).

We are doing very well emotionally.  We have full faith in a God that hears our prayers and guides us on our journey here on Earth.  We aren't promised a life without trials and tribulations, but we are promised an eternity of peace with Him when we believe.  We are blessed to walk this path that God has chosen for us, and are trying to do it humbly, sharing His light through it all.


  1. Oh how we love you and baby boy! Keep growing, little buddy!

  2. Love Dr. Mirable... wish he was my doctor instead of just my u/s doc. Glad everything seems to be getting better! As you feel up to it, I would like to bring you dinner. I know hospital food is going to get old quickly. In case you don't have my cell, it's 405-570-7971. Tuesdays are the only night I have something going, so let me know when you are feeling up for company and I want to come visit.
