Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday Eli!

It was 6 years ago today that we anxiously (yes, very anxiously) awaited our first child, whom we had dreamed about for years. Alot has changed in the past 6 years, but our love and adoration for this child that God gave to us has not.  He is a unique, funny, intelligent and kind child, and we are so thankful to be his parents.
He just got a haircut last night and wanted a design in it, so he has a lightening bolt on the side. He loves Legos of all kinds, and electronic games, including Skylanders and Minecraft.  He is reading well above his grade level and loves school.  He is still a super picky eater, and doesn't eat meat or bread.  And, as you can tell above, he doesn't like to take photos without making ridiculous faces. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, Eli your little brother Luke is looking alot like you when you were a baby! Happy 6th Birthday - I know your super excited just from talking w/you this morning :)
    Nana & Papa
