Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pneumonia and Mistletoe

Even though we tried to avoid it, Luke managed to get pneumonia for Christmas. I can think of a thousand better gifts, but it is non-refundable, so we are keeping it and going to kick its booty!! They have him on 2 strong antibiotics, steroids, and every treatment the respitory therapists can do to help get rid of it and clear up his lungs. Today has been the first somewhat calm day since Tuesday, and I am so thankful for it. This Mommy is tired. Here is yesterday's recap: Luke had been having low oxygen levels, so they gave him a fluid bolus and re-adjusted his vent tube placement (3 times). That seemed to do the trick for a few hours. Then on Saturday morning, he started having low blood pressures, got really cold and pale, and had low O2 levels. They tried 2 fluid boluses, but they didn't help. They started him on the new antibiotics and we had to use a special heater to get him warmed up (just like the day we came here). Talk about giving Mommy some anxiety! They finally had to start liquid nitric oxide, which is given through his ventilator. This is used to treat pulmonary hypertension, but is also used for sick lungs. It began working within minutes. So, he is on it for awhile so his lungs can heal. It will need to be weaned slowly, as will his narcotics. So, we are here awhile. Dr said that his pneumonia is bad and that he will be pretty fragile the next couple of days, and that it will take at least a week to get over it. They said the episode yesterday was a classic pulmonary hypertension episode, so they ordered another echo of his heart. We haven't gotten the official results yet, but the resident told me that it looked like only mild swelling on his right side, so mild pulmonary hypertension caused by the pneumonia and not the full chronic disease.
Today, they have given him a break from his lasiks and gave him another blood transfusion. They also had to increase his versed because even though he is on a paralytic, he is moving some today when we mess with him. He remains on the ventilator and is getting a lot of assistance from it for now. We are so thankful for technology, great doctors and nurses, and good insurance through the Air Force.
In more fun and exciting news, Andy's parents arrived tonight! Yesterday, Andy and the big kids got to attend a special event here at the hospital. They met all of the Oklahoma Thunder players and are in some photos and videos on the team's FB page. Eli even got Russell Westbrook to sign a Thunder shirt for him!

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