Friday, December 14, 2012

Luke's hospitalization

Luke had some cough and congestion earlier this week, so I took him to our pediatrician on Tuesday. His rsv test was negative and his lungs still sounded clear. On Wednesday, his cough sounded worse, but he didn't have a fever, so we just kept a close eye on him. That night, my mom took the first shift and rocked him in the living room. He was too congested to lay down, and he was still connected to his monitors, so we had some reassurance that he was doing okay. He didn't eat all through the night and woke up around 6am and was alert while Nana fixed his bottle. He ate some of it, and when she was burping him, his low heart rate alarm went off. I was in my bedroom sleeping and heard it. I ran out and took Luke from my mom and he was nonresponsive, blue and cold. I immediately had mom call 911 and did CPR until the ambulance arrived. I am still in shock and processing this, and I know that it will take me awhile to cope fully with it. I knew God was with me, and did what I needed to, but it was all out of selfish fear and love. I couldn't fathom the alternative, so I panicked on the inside and did anything possible to save Luke's life so I could keep him here on Earth with me-with our family. God, in his endless mercy, answered my internal prayers that I screamed to Him in my head as I did CPR. He had the monitor in place to get Luke fast help, my mom there to help in a thousand ways, had me trained and there when it happened, and even had the nose bulb sitting right there so I could suction Luke when he threw up from my rescue breaths. God is always with us!
Tonight I sit in the hospital with a very sick little boy. He has enterovirus and rhinovirus, which are very common and usually give people cold symptoms. But because of his premature lungs and immune system, it caused pulmonary hypertension, which is increased pressure in his lungs, which caused increased pressure to the right side of his heart, which caused the cardiac arrest, and is the cause of his blood flow going the wrong way in his heart right now. Hopefully, with time, it will all heal, and he will not have any long term neurological damage from the episode, or from my CPR.
Andy drove back from San Antonio yesterday and will be here until we know Luke is out of the woods. His dr said he will be on the ventilator for at least a week. As always, we have had a wonderful outpouring of love and prayers from those we know and don't know. We appreciate every single one of them! Luke does too.

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