Saturday, August 11, 2012

Baby Boy Update

I had an ultrasound with my high risk doctor yesterday, and fortunately my sister, Stephanie, was able to go with me because Andy got stuck at work.  I am 23 weeks along and still having bleeding and cramping often, which we know is related tomy hematoma (aka blood clot).  Baby boy is continuing to develop great and growing as he should.  He weighs 1 lb, 4 oz right now and should grow about 6 oz each week for awhile!  The doctor said that my hematoma is still very large still, but that it hasn't grown...more good news.  However, it is just above my cervix and as he says, "my uterus wants it out".  Thus, I will continue to have the bleeding and cramping for the duration of the pregnancy, which means continuing to "rest as much as possible" and "don't do much".  While this is certainly a challenge for me as a stay-at-home Mom, at least I am still able to be home and do some care for the kids.

The doctor also talked a bit more about possible outcomes, stating that I am 25% more likely to deliver prematurely because of the hematoma, and thus recommended I go ahead and get a steroid dose to help with baby boy's respitory development.  He also will continue monitoring him with ultrasounds to check his growth and check for complications, like anemia.  It is amazing to me that this is my third pregnancy and third hematoma, and yet, I am still learning so much about them.  One difference is that they seemed to resolve earlier in my previous pregnancies.  All I know for sure is that God is once again right by my side, helping me handle this, and protecting both of us.  So far, Drew and Andy have felt him kick a few times; and you can sometimes see my stomach move when he moves.

As far as the other kids, they are having a great summer.  Jordan and Olivia spent this week at Princess Dance Camp and loved it!  Eli starts Kindergarten next week, and is excited to do so.  Drew loved on Carter a ton this week-there is no doubt he is going to be a great big brother!  They are all very good about helping out when Mommy's "boo boo" hurts, and I am getting lots of snuggle and reading time in with them.  No doubt that we are blessed.  In 5 short years, God has given us more blessings than we could have ever imagined. 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your "blogging" and really really looking forward to coming to Oklahoma!
