Monday, September 10, 2012

Ultrasound and Bloodwork

I know the last post was posted today, but I typed it last night on my mobile blogger, and had trouble uploading we did it today.  It is about 2:00pm right now, and all is stable yet again for now.  My contractions slowed significantly overnight, and I am having about one every 15 minutes right now.  They aren't hard ones, but enough for me to feel and sometimes pause, if I am talking.  I saw my own doctor, Dr Mills, this morning!  She has been gone since Thursday, so I am very happy to have her back.  We had two ultrasounds this morning (one full one, with another one soon after with 2 techs to "look more" at my hematoma).  I also had some labs drawn.  I am still on the magnesium sulphate medicine, but think they are stopping it at 4pm.  If my doctor had been here this weekend, we probably wouldn't have gone to these links to stop the contractions, since we had said we wouldn't.  However, I am very thankful that they did slow them down long enough for her to get back.  I have loved every doctor and nurse I have met here, but I just feel more comfortable with Dr Mills since she has been with me on this journey since the beginning.

The ultrasound showed that baby boy continues to do great!!  He is up to 2 lbs, 6 oz, and has 6 cm of amniotic fluid around him (up 2 oz from Wed)!  Also, the hematoma looked slightly smaller, so all good news.  However, this doesn't explain why my body keeps having contractions.  They have said that my placenta is posterior, so it is hard to get a good view of it all on the ultrasound.  My labs showed higher levels than Friday of whatever they test that indicates I am bleeding in utero more than the actual amount I am bleeding.  However, the numbers were not high enough for my doctor to c-section me at this time.  SO, again we enter our waiting pattern.  My body is indicating there are problems, but baby is still doing great, so we keep monitoring, praying, and trusting in God's will.  If you are one who prays, please include all the great doctors and nurses here at Baptist Medical Center in your prayers today.  We are truly indebted to them, and know that God will guide them and us to do what is right for our baby.  Thankfully, Andy's parents are still in town and held down the fort last night and today while Andy was up here with me.  Soon, he leaves to assist with the kids' allergy shots, soccer practices, dinner, baths, bed...and all the "normal" that makes up our days.

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