Friday, September 28, 2012

Photos of Luke Thomas Meyer

I am going to post some photos from today and yesterday for you, and then I will write the story of how it all went has been an eventful 48 hours to say the least.  We are so proud to introduce or newest (and final) addition to our family: Luke Thomas Meyer.  Warning- I had a c-section, so some of these photos contain blood...don't scroll down if you get queasy easily. :)
I am ready and waiting to be wheeled into the OR.

Andy had to wait awhile for them to get me prepped and ready...

He was  born at 10:50 a.m.on 9/27/12
Dr Mills showe me Luke for the first time through my little window in the drapery.
I know I am biased, but I immediately think he is gorgeous and perfect!

The OR from Andy's point of view.

Luke getting intubated before going to the NICU

He is bundled up and on his way. He weihted 3 lbs 5 oz!

Mommy sneaks a peek in (but don't really remember this because of the meds, so I am glad Andy took this photo)!

Luke dares to open his eyes and check out his new environment.  He is such a miracle!!!
Later in the day, Daddy holds Luke so the nurse can change his bedding.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We are having a baby today!

I have already had my ultrasound this morning, and Baby Boy's fluid is very low (1.5 cm). He continues to do well, but his risks increase the longer we try to keep him in utero. We are scheduled for a c-section at 1:00 pm, so please say an extra prayer for us then. I had the blessing of Pastor Mark coming to visit yesterday, and God used him to help calm my fears. I have prayed this whole time for us to just know when the time was right, and now we do. He has thrived in utero for FOUR weeks here at the hospital, and I know he will continue to grow and develop in the NICU, with the Holy Spirit with him.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ultrasound Today!

I had my weekly ultrasound today. I haven't gotten to talk to my doctor about it, but I do know that Baby Boy's estimated weight is 3 lbs, 2 oz!! Unfortunately, his amniotic fluid is back down to only 2 cm, which is where it was the night we came to the hospital. So, he and I are on monitors for the night to make sure he is doing okay, and that I am not having contractions. So far, I am only having small contractions that they call "irritability.".

So, once again, we wait, wonder and pray. I told Andy that the ultrasound left me with more questions than answers!! However, we trust in the Lord and know Baby Boy will come in his own time. We just have to be patient, which I am not always the best at! We will focus on his growth. He is above 3 lbs (which is actually big for his gestational age of 29 weeks, 4 days)!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Great End to a Great Week!

This was such a good week compared to last.  I stayed off the magnesium, had several visitors and phone calls, and the visits with thet kids (and Andy) were longer since the kids are getting used to being here.  We played, ate, snuggled, and just enjoyed being together.  They came on Friday and Saturday night, which has been so good for my soul.  I had what seemed like a very long day earlier in the week, and was really missing them.  I was talking to Andy on the phone and Jordan got hurt.  He asked her if she wanted to talk to Mommy, and she said (in tears), "NO!  I want my real Mommy!", which meant that she wanted me in person, not on the phone.  Needless to say, it broke my heart and didn't make my long day any better.  Really, though, we are so blessed at how well they are adapting, and that we are able to see each other a few times a week.  Here's some photos from our fun tonight.  Enjoy!
Having a playdoh picnic again. Thanks Fischers for the fun supplies!

Pastor Mark and Chantelle stopped by and asked for a photo for church tomorrow.
We are blessed to have so many people praying for us!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hospitals can be fun!

I am going to attempt to upload some great photos from this past week from when the kids have visited me here at the hospital.  The WiFi is acting slow, so I hope it works.  We are just cruising along (at least for the past 3 days we have...).  Tomorrow, I will have been here for 3 weeks, and Baby Boy will officially be 29 weeks in utero!  On Monday, we had an ultrasound that estimated his weight at 2 lbs, 12 oz, which is so great!  I have set a personal goal of getting him to 3 lbs, so I think that is achievable.  The fluid around him was the same as last week, measuring about 6 cm.  This is still low compared to the average, but he is moving, growing, and it isn't lower than before, so we are happy about it.  Also, the ultrasound showed that my hematoma is a bit SMALLER than last week...more great news.  It is still right above my cervix, and connected to the placenta, which I don't think will change.

I had a pretty rough week last week, and finally got off the magnesium sulphate late Sunday afternoon.  I was on and off the magnesium a couple of times (4 total now) because of contractions, which I was not feeling, but they were consistent enough to worry the on-call doctor and nurse.  I also was battling a head cold and was so congested that I felt like I was drowning in my own snot.  That, with the higher dose of magnesium, which made every limb feel like it weighed a ton, made for the "rough" days.  I had talked with my Grandma that week, and she was talking about how it was so frustrating for her sometimes because she knew what she wanted to say, but by the time it processed and came out of her mouth, it was all wrong (she has had several strokes over the years).  I could empathize because that is how I felt.  My brain was processing everything so slowly, and I was not making sense some of the time when talking to Andy or others.  But, that is done for now, and I am very thankful to feel like myself again!!  I have showered, gotten to eat, and had bathroom privileges for just over 3 days now!!  Dr Mills and I have discussed our plan, and as of now, we have a goal of  32 weeks, which is 3 weeks from tomorrow!  At that point, we will assess how I am doing, how baby is doing, and determine what is best for both of us.  She said she will consult my high risk doctor, and we could keep baby "cooking" longer; however, I told her that I can only mentally handle thinking of doing this for 3 more weeks, so we will just keep that date in mind and cross that bridge if/when we have to!!  I mean, I am one tough Mama (so you all say...), but everyone has limits, and thinking of being here, away from my other kids and laying in bed getting more out of shape for 7 MORE weeks is too much for me to think about.  So, I don't.  I think, "We are halfway there!  Been here 3 weeks, and have 3 more to go."

Andy and the kids are doing great.  Andy is packing lunches, grocery shopping, keeping up on housework, and managing bedtimes by himself.  He is working some, has some playdates for Jordan and Drew, and has a couple meals a week coming from church friends.  He brings them up to see me a few times a week, which you will see from the photos, is a wild time.  Last Friday, Jordan challenged him pretty good by not wanting to wear her tights for dance class.  After some tough negotiating, she made it to class in her tights (but without underwear), so I would say it was a win on both sides!  Eli has had a couple mornings of not wanting to get ready and go to school, so he and Daddy have worked out a reward system, which Andy said is helping alot.  He has admitted that there is no way he would do this forever, but he is handling it so well.  I am so proud of all of them for adjusting so well!!
Eli getting some much needed Mommy snuggle time in!

Believe it or not, there are plenty of places to hide in a hospital room!

Our Group Silly Photo

Sunday, September 16, 2012

40th Wedding Anniversary

You would think that with all this time on my hands, I would pay more attention to dates.  I knew that my parents' anniversary was coming up (today), but didn't give the year another thought until today.  After doing some calculating, I realized that today was their 40th wedding anniversary!  Andy and I celebrated 12 years earlier this month, which I thought was a big deal, but 40?!  I hate that I didn't do the math earlier, and have some spectacular surprise for them today.  They do deserve it!  So, instead, I am sharing their celebration with all of you, and asking you to pause and say a special prayer for them after reading this. 

I will not pretend to know it all when it comes to love, marriage, and well, life in general; but, I do think that I had some great role models.  Some of my favorite memories growing up are times when Mom and Dad would express their love to one another in front of us girls.  Usually, it was as simple as Dad grabbing Mom's hand (or vice versa) when a coutnry love song (usually Alabama) came on the radio, and they would dance around the room together, with us girls laughing and eventually, cutting in to join the fun.  I also remember the "last minute" shopping trips at holidays with Dad, where he would get Mom a completely unexpected gift, like new living room furniture, or a new piece of jewelry.  More subtle signs of their love include Mom's patience with Dad over his passion for pigs.  I don't know how many times we would come home from a sale with a new pig, when Dad was "just going to look."  And, I have to mention the thousands of times that this "city girl" rolled up her sleeves and helped with the farmwork, even though it probably wasn't top on her list of fun things to do. 

Most of all, I just love how they have always put family first.  It is so easy to get caught up in the "rat race", that many people forget the small details that make everyday living so great.  Small signs of our love for one another...a kiss hello or goodbye, a special note in a lunchbox or backpack, a text or phone call just to check in or say "I love you".  The way in which we show our loved ones we care is so important because it is supposed to be an example of God's love for us.  I am so thankful for the love Mom and Dad have for one another, and for the ways in which they have shared that love with us over the years.  Thanks Mom and Dad, and here's to 40 more...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quick Update

Hello all!  Andy and the kids are on their way up, but wanted to let everyone know that today was a great day compared to the last two days!  My contractions stopped overnight, so this morning, I got to go off my iv fluids and get my catheter out.  I showered, and feel much better.  My doctor's associate, Dr Robinette, was in this morning, and agreed that a few steps to the bathroom and back should not start contractions, and if they did, then there was something we needed to be concerned about.  For clarification, my cervix is still closed, so I am not at risk for preterm labor because of that.  It's the hematoma (and our suspected hidden partial abruption) that seem to cause my uterus to start contracting when there is too much blood in there.  So, they tell me that we WILL stop continue to stop contractions with the magnesium as long as baby is good, and I am not "gushing" blood.  Nice, huh?!?  I know this is alot of detail, so if it's too much, then you should just keep up to date on Facebook.  Ha ha! 

Andy's parents left this afternoon, and we are thankful they were able to stay for an extra couple days as we waited to see what happened.  Andy is now in full single parent mode, so please keep him and the kids in your prayers.  I don't think that I shared Eli's big news-he lost his first tooth this weekend!  It was on Saturday.  The men were outside working on our fence, and Eli came into Gigi with his tooth in his hand, saying he was wiggling it and it just came out.  :)  He called me right away to share his news, and the tooth fairy did pay him a visit that night. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ultrasound and Bloodwork

I know the last post was posted today, but I typed it last night on my mobile blogger, and had trouble uploading we did it today.  It is about 2:00pm right now, and all is stable yet again for now.  My contractions slowed significantly overnight, and I am having about one every 15 minutes right now.  They aren't hard ones, but enough for me to feel and sometimes pause, if I am talking.  I saw my own doctor, Dr Mills, this morning!  She has been gone since Thursday, so I am very happy to have her back.  We had two ultrasounds this morning (one full one, with another one soon after with 2 techs to "look more" at my hematoma).  I also had some labs drawn.  I am still on the magnesium sulphate medicine, but think they are stopping it at 4pm.  If my doctor had been here this weekend, we probably wouldn't have gone to these links to stop the contractions, since we had said we wouldn't.  However, I am very thankful that they did slow them down long enough for her to get back.  I have loved every doctor and nurse I have met here, but I just feel more comfortable with Dr Mills since she has been with me on this journey since the beginning.

The ultrasound showed that baby boy continues to do great!!  He is up to 2 lbs, 6 oz, and has 6 cm of amniotic fluid around him (up 2 oz from Wed)!  Also, the hematoma looked slightly smaller, so all good news.  However, this doesn't explain why my body keeps having contractions.  They have said that my placenta is posterior, so it is hard to get a good view of it all on the ultrasound.  My labs showed higher levels than Friday of whatever they test that indicates I am bleeding in utero more than the actual amount I am bleeding.  However, the numbers were not high enough for my doctor to c-section me at this time.  SO, again we enter our waiting pattern.  My body is indicating there are problems, but baby is still doing great, so we keep monitoring, praying, and trusting in God's will.  If you are one who prays, please include all the great doctors and nurses here at Baptist Medical Center in your prayers today.  We are truly indebted to them, and know that God will guide them and us to do what is right for our baby.  Thankfully, Andy's parents are still in town and held down the fort last night and today while Andy was up here with me.  Soon, he leaves to assist with the kids' allergy shots, soccer practices, dinner, baths, bed...and all the "normal" that makes up our days.

More contractions

It is Sunday evening and I wanted to update everyone. I had some contractions a few nights ago, but things settled rather quickly. On Friday, I didn't feel the best, so I took it extra easy (if that is possible on bedrest)! Yesterday, I felt good. Showered, watched Purdue football, and even got to get in a wheelchair and go outside for a few minutes.
I don't know if all that "activity" contributed to it or not, but by last night, I was showing consistent contractions 1-2 minutes apart. I didn't really feel them, so they weren't o early concerned, but wanted to get them stopped before they progressed any further. Thank God that I was already at the hospital, and they were monitoring me, or I probably wouldn't have realized I was having actual contractions until it was too late. They gave me a shot of brethine, and then started me on a pill to help more long term (I have the name written down, but alas, I am stuck in bed and it is out of my reach). I was to take them every 8 hours, so had a dose this morning and then again at 2pm. That was when I started feeling some pretty big contractions start up. They were again every 30 seconds to a minute apart, but obviously stronger than last night. They gave me a shot of brethine again, which maybe worked for 5 minutes. So, they decided to be more aggressive and gave me another shot, an iv bolus, and began magnesium sulfate. This medicine requires me to stay in bed, be monitored constantly, and I can't eat. It also gives people wicked hot flashes! But, it is a small price to pay to keep baby boy in utero a little longer. Once again, he has been a champ and acts like nothing is going on. :). Praise God. I have been on the mag for a couple hours and it seems to be doing its job. I have a contraction about every 10 min or so, and they aren't as strong as earlier. I will be on it at least 24 hours. My regular doctor was out of town this weekend, and made me promise not to let anyone c-section me if not absolutely necessary. :). I pray baby boy holds out not only for her, but also for that 28 week goal, which is only 4 days away!!
I promise to try to keep you updated. Thanks again for all the prayers.
PS Update on kids and Andy- the kids were all sick earlier this week, but are doing better. Poor Jordan still has a raspy little voice. Andy and his parents took them to the Science Museum today! Andy and his Dad got our back fence fixed, which has been on our "to do" list for quite awhile. Andy also is working some, but is able to adjust his hours to help with his new childcare responsibilities.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All Good News from Doctor!

I started my day at 5:30 am with an ultrasound (not complaining-better than waiting all day for it).  Then, I got 4 blood draws to test for gestational diabetes.  My doctor, whom I love, came in at 5pm to go over all the results, and it was all good news!  First, the ultrasound showed more fluid than when we did the ultrasound on Friday morning.  It is still low, but is up to 4 cm of fluid, up from 2 cm.  She said that if/when I get up to 8 or 9 cm of fluid, if all else is going okay, she will consider sending me home!  Baby boy was up to 2 lbs, 3 oz, which is right on for his age.  This is up 4 oz from Friday, which is about right since they say babies gain about 6 oz weekly in utero right now.  Also, she said the ultrasound showed less "loose" blood, which shows up as grainy gray on the test.  This means she feels that I am not actively bleeding in utero right now.  The hematoma is the same, or maybe even smaller than it was.  It is attached the my placenta, and both are sitting right above my cervix.  This is called a partial previa.  She said that I most likely did have a partial placental abruption the night we came here, which explains the low fluid.  My water didn't "break", and the placenta regenerates, so that is why the fluid is building back up.  If this doesn't all make sense, I understand!  Please know I am trying my best to convey what she told me, but I am not a doctor.  SO...bedrest is agreeing with me.  We will take baby steps and see how I do...she is letting me use my own bathroom instead of a bedside commode; I get to sit in the chair some throughout the day; and can even get a wheelchair and go outside tomorrow if I want some fresh air.  I asked her at what point we would deliver baby boy, if all continues like this, and she said that after 36 weeks, my risks of going into labor, or having complications increases significantly, and the benefits to baby are minimal after that.  That means that we could meet baby boy 9 weeks from tomorrow, on NOVEMBER 8th.  While all of this was fantastic news, looking up that date did overwhelm me a bit.  I won't lie and say that I am excited to spend the next 9 weeks in bed, but if I had to choose whether it is me in the hospital or baby boy in the NICU, I would definitely choose me, so I will try not to complain!!  Those who live here, please come visit.  My days are long when I don't have visitors (as I discovered today).  I do plan to get some naps in some, and have pretended thus far that I am on a "Mommycation"; window shopping online, trimming my nails, plucking my eyebrows...stuff I don't find time to always do at home.  I am excited to have the Fall shows start again soon, so that I have something to watch on tv besides politics.

Also, I passed my 3 hour glucose test!  Barely, but hey, when it's pass or fail, it doesn't matter how much you pass by, does it?!? :)  Please say an extra prayer for Andy and the kids.  The kids have been fighting a virus, and all stayed home from school today.  Andy has been up at night alot, battling headaches, coughs, fevers, etc.  Fortunately, Gigi and Grandpa are still here to help. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cathy Update

Thanks to everyone for the prayers.  They are working, so please keep them up!!  I have felt great the past couple of days, with minimal contractions and bleeding, and baby boy is doing great.  They let me get up to shower daily, and I get to wear my own clothes.  I told my doctor yesterday that I felt "normal".   She replied, "Good. You can feel normal in the hospital until the baby is born."  :0  I wasn't asking to go home, but she has dealt with lots of grumpy moms on bedrest, so she was making sure I knew I wasn't going anywhere.  I assured her that it is all about perspective, and she wouldn't get that question from me.  We have done the alternative and had our babies in the NICU for 7 weeks, so if the hospital is the best place for me, then that is where I will stay!  We are all doing our part.  Andy is going to take some time off work and become Mr Mom for awhile.  He has had some help with my parents, sister's family, and now his parents, but I know he will do a great job, even after they go home!  The kids also have done great.  They have visited everyday, and aren't quite so wild now, so they are getting into the routine.  And, we haven't had any tears yet when they leave.  They are flexible kids, and even though this will be hard, they will adjust, and we will make sure to focus on the positive from it all.  Jordan just told Gigi this morning, "when something seems bad, turn it around and find something good." :)  I must admit it's from a new cartoon, but we have been embracing that quote lately at our house, and it's obviously sticking with them!

On Thursday, baby boy (yes, we have a name, but no one will know it until he is born, so don't ask) will be 27 weeks in utero.  Just checking off the goals!  I have decided that even though he is our 5th child, he likes to be unique and have some "firsts" of his own.  I have had many firsts with this pregnancy (most of which aren't on the good side), and today marks another one.  I failed my 1 hour glucose test!  So, now I have to do the 3 hour one tomorrow and get poked 4 times.  In an effort to pass, I ate one cookie this afternoon and won't eat anymore sweets today! :)  I had to get one in, in case I can't have them anymore after tomorrow...I guess I should have slowed down on the brownies the last 2 weeks, but my sweet tooth has been in full gear.  Anyway, I also get to have an ultrasound tomorrow, which I am excited about.  It will measure his fluid, size, and check out the placenta and hematoma.  Prayers for all good news please.

I know some of you have talked about sending care packages, and I always welcome gifts, but please know that I truly am filling up my time fairly easily thus far.  I have a list still of things I would like to get done before baby arrives, so I have worked on that daily.  I also make time for my morning devotional and quiet time with God, which didn't always happen at home until night time, or not at all.  I know he has been preparing me to share some of our story, and I have done so in my head a hundred times, but now I want to take the time to write some down and start processing it all more with Him. God has been very patient with me, and I am getting more inspired to share as I read more blogs from women of faith who are doing their small part of sharing His love.  A quote I read today that stuck with me from one of them was, "But my greatest limitation is God's greatest opportunity."

Happy Tuesday, and I will let you know my test results tomorrow.  Please pray for Eli to adjust going back to school okay tomorrow, since Daddy, Grandpa, Gigi and the little ones will all be home when he has to get on the bus...

Love My Visitors!

I have had more visitors, but these were on our Nikon camera, so I could upload them! If you can't tell, the kids were entertaining themselves some by being photographers too.  I have seen them everyday, and love it.  I know once they get back in their routines, I won't see them daily, so I am soaking in every minute.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bedrest News

Well, I am typing from a new location-the hospital bed.  I came in the middle of the night on Thursday, after passing some large blood clots and having severe cramping.  An ultrasound showed baby boy had low amniotic fluid, and he measured 1 pound, 15 ounces.  I was having pretty consistent contractions (3-5 minutes apart), so they gave me 4 shots of a medicine to try to stop them. They also began magnesium sulfate, which does many things, including stopping contractions, slows bleeding, and provides a protective layer on the baby's brain to help stop brain bleeds if he came early.  In case my water broke, they started me on several antibiotics that help protect baby also.

Throughout the day Friday, my contractions finally began to space out more and my bleeding/cramping slowed.  Dr Mirabile, my high risk doctor,  visited me Friday evening and talked over our plan of action.  He said that there, most likely, has been some placental abruptuon for awhile, with a more accute tear on Thursday night.  He explained that even if that is the case, baby is better off in utero until he shows us signs of distress, as monitored by his heart rate and movement.  He said that the placenta is an amazing organ that can regenerate itself with time, and that his fluid will increase as he continues to urinate (sounds gross, but half of this stuff does).  He said that even if I have contractions, bleeding and cramping, they will not take him out unless he shows that he is struggling.  I am definitely in the hospital on strict bedrest until we meet our next goal of 28 weeks.  We are blessed to have this happen now, when my Mom was here so we could rush to the hospital, and other family is coming in today (Papa arrived around midnight and the Allen's will be here any minute).

We are doing very well emotionally.  We have full faith in a God that hears our prayers and guides us on our journey here on Earth.  We aren't promised a life without trials and tribulations, but we are promised an eternity of peace with Him when we believe.  We are blessed to walk this path that God has chosen for us, and are trying to do it humbly, sharing His light through it all.